• 地点Location


    建筑设计Landscape design

    工作范围The scope of work

    完成年份Year of completion


  • 南昌Nanchang

    南昌市政府Nanchang Goverment





2017年为庆祝中国人民解放军建军90周年,南昌市政府决定升级八一广场整体环境。CRAZYWATER受邀参与对广场音乐喷泉的改造设计工作。经过多次现场勘察以及对当地文化的理解,音乐喷泉设计以军队的行军队伍形象以及江西的山水秀美为概念,中心水池采用了超过 1000 柱阵列喷泉,整齐划一,踩着音乐的节奏而来,仿佛解放军仪仗队迈着矫健的步伐,激情豪迈,英姿飒爽的向嘉宾走来。两侧为极具表现张力的多向扇面摇摆水型,象征江西人民的热亲好客和对美好生活的向往。展现了一场万人共享的视听盛宴。

In 2017, to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, the Nanchang municipal government decided to upgrade the overall environment of Bayi Square. CRAZYWATER accepted the invitation to work on the renovation of the square's musical fountain. After a series of field investigations and the understanding of local culture, the music fountain design is inspired army marching team and comely landscape of Jiangxi province. The central pool adopted more than 1000 matrix fountain nozzles that uniformly operate with the rhythm of the music, as if the honor guard of Liberation Army walking with the lithe step, passion and bold and spirited towards guests. On both sides, the multi-directional fan fountains have a great tension, which symbolizes the warm hospitality of Jiangxi people and their yearning for a better life. The waterscape shows a visual feast shared by ten thousand people.