• 地点Location


    建筑设计Landscape design

    工作范围The scope of work

    完成年份Year of completion

  • 上海Shanghai

    复星地产Fosun Property


    方案+施工Design + Construction


BFC外滩金融中心是复星地产”蜂巢城市”核心代表作之一。水景位于商业中庭内,为营造办公与商业的氛围而建。迎合玛莎景观的设计理念,水景设计营造三种场景,分别为矩阵多变互动旱喷、镜面水景、雾效, 三种形态的结合在技术上克服了多个难题,精细化的控制喷泉与装饰的结合。落成后的水雾镜广场成为项目的亮点。以水为主题的中庭及下沉庭院。水作为一种媒介把地面与下沉空间无形之中联系在了一起。在起空间引导作用的同时也增添了鲜活的生活感及艺术感。

BFC Bund Financial Center is one of the core representative works of Fosun Property's "Honeycomb City". The waterscape is located in the commercial atrium, designed to create an office and business atmosphere. To cater to the design concept of Martha Landscape, the waterscape design creates three scenes, which are matrix variable interactive dry fountain, mirror-like waterscape and fog fountain. The combination of the three scenes has overcome many problems in technology, such as exquisite control of switching between fountain and decoration. After completion, the Water Mist Mirror Square becomes the highlight of the entire project. In the water-themed atrium and sunken courtyard, water acts as a intermediary that invisibly connects the ground to the sunken space, which playing a guiding role in space while adding a fresh sense of life and art.