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    景观设计Landscape design

    工作范围The scope of work

    完成年份Year of completion


  • 苏州Suzhou

    新城控股 SEAZEN


    方案 Design



项目是新城控股A+级旗舰店-吾悦品牌的重要实践项目。水景主要分为两大大区域 ——25米高建筑立面瀑布、六层空中水街。采用"小楼春雨,石上清泉"设计概念,延续姑苏园林的设计理念,通过现代的手法还原出自然的本质,模拟大自然的声音与气味,体现水天联动,气韵环绕,寄托着别样的苏州山水情怀。 南面瀑布以瀑布水景为表现形式,将“叠山成景,置石理境”这一传世经典通过现代的手法予以还原和重塑。六层水街通过对山墙、山石、苏绣等苏州元素的重构演绎,呈现了苏州历史风韵与水乡特殊的古城肌理,为项目构建个性鲜明、魅力独特的城市新名片。

The project is an important practice project of Wuyue, the A+ level flagship store of Seazen. The waterscape is mainly divided into two areas -- a waterfall with a 25-meter-high along building facade and a six-story sky water street. The design concept of "spring rain on a small pavilion, spring water on a stone" is adopted to continue the design concept of Gusu gardens. The essence of nature is restored through modern techniques: the sound and smell of nature are simulated to reflect the linkage between water and sky, and the surrounded atmosphere is created by a unique feeling of Suzhou landscape. In the form of authentic waterfall, the south Waterfall restores and reshaps the ancient classic of "mountain scenery, stone scenery" through modern techniques. Meanwhile, through the reconstruction and reinterpretation of Suzhou elements such as gables, rocks and Suzhou embroidery, the six-story water street presents the historical charm of Suzhou and the special ancient city texture of the water town and builds a new name card of the city via the distinct personality and unique charm of the project.